Reverse Cuts
Fully CNC milled product using 50 Rockwell Stainless Steel, which provides
the following benefits:
Fully CNC milled product using 50 Rockwell Stainless Steel, which provides
the following benefits:
Precision manufactured parts – tight tolerances
Durability due to harder steel than etched steel parts
Sharper bevel profile
CNC process allows for wider design options
Repeatability of parts –first to last is the same
In-house manufacturing enables quicker turn times with closer control
Can also be used as Reverse Glue Assist
To further enhance the benefit of our Reverse Cut tooling we are now offering CNC machined plastic anvils. Precision CNC milled to tolerances of +/- .002”, our anvils help reduce the make-ready process and provide a consistent base
for superior finished cartons.